Create Curriculum Vitae


Step 1 of 10 Beggining

<img src="/sites/default/files/RRHH_en.jpg" class="img-cur"/>Are you a happy, dynamic person who’s committed to customer service?<br> <br>Nine steps and a coffee is what’s waiting for you from the job you’re looking for!<br> <br>Welcome to Grandvalira Resorts!

Step 2 of 10 Datos de cuenta

Enter a valid e-mail address. All e-mails from the system will be sent to this address.

Step 3 of 10 Personal details

Personal details

Date of birth *
Format: 10/18/2024
Include the country code with your mobile telephone number. For example: +34 xxxxxxx (Spain), +376 xxxxx (Andorra)
Include the country code with your mobile telephone number. For example: +34 xxxxxxx (Spain), +376 xxxxx (Andorra)
If you have a valid work permit for Andorra, enter it here.

Profile image

Select a recent image for your access account and curriculum.
Remember that it must be an image that looks good your face.
Files must be less than 1 MB.
Allowed file types: png gif jpg jpeg.
Indique su correo electrónico. E.g.,

Step 4 of 10 Datos profesionales

Areas of interest

Select which company you’d like to choose from, or if you don’t have any preference, select the option ‘any’.

. Information about companies.
Indicate where you have previously worked in Andorra.

You can check more than one option.
Mark the job positions you would like to work in based on your experience or training.
You can check more than one option.
The maximum number of selectable options is 3.

Step 5 of 10 Experiencia Profesional

Professional experience

You can enter as many previous jobs as you consider necessary.<br> Add the jobs by clicking on ‘Add’, fill in all the fields required and then select save. <br>. If you’d like to edit any information on the job entered, click on ‘edit’, and if you’d like to delete the job added, just select ‘delete’.
Experiencia profesional

Step 6 of 10 Formaciones


You can enter as many studies and/or training as you consider necessary. <br> Add them by clicking on ‘Add’, fill in all the fields required and then select save.<br> If you’d like to edit any information entered, click on ‘edit’, and if you’d like to delete the job added, just select ‘delete’.

Step 7 of 10 Languages


You can enter all the languages you consider necessary. Fill in all the fields required and then select save. <br> If you’d like to edit any information entered, click on ‘edit’, and if you’d like to delete the language added, just select ‘delete’.<br> To enter a new language, select add.
Add new node
Indicate the language
Indica el nivel general que tienes del idioma seleccionado
Indicate whether you have formal training in the language.
Indica el título obtenido. Ej.: First Certificate

Step 8 of 10 Añade CV

Curriculum Vitae

Upload your CV. Remember to click on ‘upload to server’ so the file is uploaded correctly.
Curriculum vitae
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf jpeg jpg png.

Step 9 of 10 Attached documents

Attached documents

Upload all the documents you consider necessary, such as: cover letter, proof of your training and/or studies, etc. If you don’t have them with you at this time, you can add them later once you’ve created your profile.
Attached documents
Files must be less than 3 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf jpeg jpg png.

Step 10 of 10 Confirmación

Vertical Tabs

The last step before sending your CV!

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Grandvalira 2019-2020
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